The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let)
Venison Pie. Lavender Scented Pudding. Roasted Fish with Green Sauce. Honey Cakes! Clean, Delicious, and Authentic Food from 1200 years ago…
The Cookery Book(let) now in print from Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Enjoy ten delicious, easy, and authentic recipes from the 9th century in The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let). These are the recipes enjoyed by the characters in this best-selling Historical Adventure series. Enhanced with charming medieval woodcuts and fascinating titbits about early cooking, the Cookery Book(let) makes delightful reading and even better eating. Watch my fun short video about making Honey Cakes.
Order the expanded print version from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. The PDF version is yours free in two different PDF formats, one for your laptop or tablet, and one that prints up into an actual booklet. It’s my gift to you, and I hope you enjoy it.

Venison (or tofu, beef, turkey, or chicken) Pie: Hearty, delicious, and atmospheric. The juniper berries elevate this to a new level. Children love it, and dinner guests will be impressed. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Oat Griddle Cakes: Bursting with the goodness of oats. Enjoy at breakfast, hearty tea, or late night supper. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Lavender Scented Pudding: Delightfully rich and soufflé-like pudding, redolent of lavender…A romantic dessert, and a sweet memory of Summer any time of year. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Barley Browis: Eaten everyday by everyone 1,000 years ago. The ultimate “clean food”, this savoury and warming stew-like porridge can be made with barley, oats, bulgar, quinoa, and whatever root vegetables you’ve got. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Fish Stew with Leeks and Lentils: A very pretty soup, with the red or yellow lentils, orange carrots, and bright green parsley peeking out of the milky broth. Make a day ahead to deepen and improve the flavour. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Honey Cakes: Dripping with honey goodness, very easy to make. And addictive. Perfect with afternoon tea. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

Baked Apples and Pears: A great treat for breakfast, but luscious enough for a fine dessert. From The Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) / A Journey though Medieval Life octavia.net

To see a beautiful “medieval” manuscript version of the Cookery Book(let) click on this image. / Artwork by Beth Altchek
So get your Circle of Ceridwen Cookery Book(let) and get cooking!
Food Styling and photography Alex Roberts
I came across your books when I was in college (2004-2008) and would sit at my computer at work during the summer and read them. I have reread them many times since. Unlike any other story! Love them so much. Thank you.
Your charming note made me smile. I wonder how much lost business productivity can be laid at the door of the Saga Folk?! Quite a bit, I would wager. I’m delighted you are still with us, Gwen, after many years.
I have loved all your books and eagerly await the next installment.
A question: was barley “pearled” in medieval times, or cooked as a whole grain?
Barley was indeed boiled as a whole grain in the 9th century. And it was a vitally important stable throughout all of northern Europe and Scandinavia. (Also delicious!)
I absolutely adore your books can’t wait for the next one
Thank you Octavia from my heart to yours
thank you so much loved your books
I loved the whole series of your books. It was great to have an insight into the Viking age. I’m looking forward to reading Tindr then Sidroc.
I have really enjoyed your books. I’ve learned so much. I certainly hope there will be a book 7. This series should never end.
Thank you for all your hard work.
Excellent Read,enjoyed all the books
I am so excited about this cookbook! I ran over to Deborah Dishes and decided I too will prepare a ninth-century feast! You are the most generous of authors, giving us the first book free (although I have bought all you have written, except the one of Light, Descending and will purchase in time), and this delightful book of Cookery!!
I am off on a culinary adventure…thank you ever so much!
Thank you so much loved the series you are a brillant author.
Is there a book seven?
Cheers bronny
Thank you for your magically engrossing and beautiful writing. And the recipes. Thank you for being so generous and open handed with your immense talent. I can feel how you live your work and it is an inspiration to me.
With love from
Another writer
Hi Octavia
I got your first book free as an e-book.
Because I enjoyed it so much I then bought hardcopies of both Book 1 & 2.
The following week I bought hard copies of the remaining Books 3, 4, 5 & 6.
I just could not put them down. I had many a late night (more like wee hours of the morn actually) as I enjoyed them so.
I bought six books and one time, and I cannot put them down. Thank you! Will you be creating a book seven? I hope so.
Sorry I meant to say I could not put your books down???
I have LOVED Your whole series .I am so appreciative of the historical research you have done in creating these books.I could taste the mead.You kept me up late at night because just could not out out then down. I was overjoyed to find the sixth book I devoured it and am sad it is done. You are defiately going on my favorite Authors list.Thank You for your talent and imagination.I wish I could be a Shield Maiden!
I have enjoyed your books! Please write more. I love the Ceridwen Series. It enables me a glimpse into the past. Thank you.
Have just finished book six. Couldn’t put any of the series away for long. Great research, history, characters storyline. I do hope there will be more.
Thank you Octavia
I love this saga of history, family, love, friendship, and war. There is strength to every character and each one is dimensional with their own kinds of goodness and failings. It is like the best of stories because it tells us about ourselves. I hope there will be a book 7!
Just finished book 6. Wow! These books get better and better. Can’t wait for the next one. Please tell there will be a next one! Such a wonderful story. Keeps you wanting more.
Love your attention to detail. You feel you are walking with the characters and living the times.
I have read all of Octavia’s books! I live in them. I can disappear and become that silent friend standing next to each character. I can not what for what is next to come! My fear is devouring each book so fast that my friends in the books are aging, their time is fleeting. Thank you Octavia for your gifts!
Wow! What a treasure! I am teaching a class to homeschoolers on G. A. Henty’s book The Dragon and the Raven. To round out the class, we’re having a 9th century feast. Today I’m cooking up the venison pie, honey glazed carrots, honey cakes, and baked apples for our feast! I’ll be sharing this cookbook with my students and with my blog readers. And now I’m intrigued to read your books!
I have read all six books, and enjoyed them beyond telling. These are books so well crafted that the barrier between one’s modern self and the story and setting thins and all but disappears. These are books to live in.
I stumbled upon this page while looking for a honey cake recipe for a Hobbit-themed menu I’m working on. I’m loving all these recipes, and I just signed up to receive your first book. Can’t wait to read it!
I am absolutely loving these books. The historical information is fascinating and the writing and language used to describe everything is so explicit that one feels as if they are in that very scene themselves. The story is fast paced and exciting…from page one of book one to the end of book three where I am now. Will start book four as soon as I finish writing this. Thank you so much Octavia for your research, description, story and writing style. I feel like I am there with the characters and am on an amazing journey.
What a pleasure reading this series! I can hardly wait for the continuing saga. I haven’t enjoyed a series this much in years. More please!
Your Circle of Ceridwen books are not only well researched and written but also have fascinating and unexpected story lines. Some of the best books I have read (and I read a great deal). I have read the entire series 3 times and am about to begin on a 4th reading. I personally compare the Ceridwen series favorability with the Dianna Gabaldon Outander books which I have also read through 3 times.
Have you given any thought to putting together a trip to Gotland with a group of readers? Several authors have put together such travel opportunities to the sites their books, for example in Scotland. I would be quite interested in such a trip. I have been contemplating a trip to Gotland but know it would be exponentially
more interesting and informative with you as a guide.
In the event you will not be returning to Gotland soon, would you be willing to list some must-see sites, preferred locations to stay and perhaps some contacts to make my more worthwhile? You are the expert. Thanks.
What a lovely comment, Priscilla – Yes! I would love to hold such tours for my readers, and I promise that shall happen in the future. “Dinner with Octavia at her home” will certainly be a feature of any future “Saga” tour of my beloved island.
You have likely read everything I have about Gotland here on my website, and seen the videos too. In case you have not, here are two brief articles:
https://octavia.net/returning-to-gotland/ (2015)
https://octavia.net/my-other-island-home/ (2016)
And of course there are I think eight videos on the video page about Gotland: https://octavia.net/video/
Until I am running my readers’ tour, I can heartily recommend finding lodging through AirBnB (I mention that in “Return to Gotland, from 2015; and that photo essay will indicate many places I consider “must sees” while there.). There is a broad choice of accommodation available – as well of course as many conventional hotels, all nice, in the capital of Visby.
Thank you so much Priscilla, for your devotion to my work.
I have posted to you on facebook. I just finish your 5th book In The Circle
Of Ceridwen Saga!! I loved it and can not wait for your 6th book to come out!!
I am on facebook as Sharon DeMarco Schneider looking forward to hearing from you!! Thank you Octavia for your wonderful books ! ❤️
Ronda and I are waiting, again impatiently, for book No. 6. We love your writing.
Book Six is coming in just a few short weeks, Rhonda and Sam! You shall have it in late February/early March, promise. Thank you again for wanting it!
I ever, never, ever read any series books back to back. But, I picked up Book 1 almost 10 days ago and I just finished Book 5! This certainly ranks as a first in over 65 years of reading!! I “felt” this series’ characters in my heart – their joy, their fears, their emotions, their their yearnings. No other characters have thus appealed to me other than Ms Gabaldon’s “Outlander” series. I truly hold the two of you to be the greatest in the Historical Fiction genre. Thank you for the joy you give to us readers!!! Bring on #6, I can hardly wait!!
I just finished the series and I am looking forward to book 6! I enjoyed everything about them, especially the way you handled the characters religious beliefs. It felt non-judgemental and didn’t make one belief better or worse than the other. I thank you for an interesting, educational and a “Hard to put down” read!
I have read Book One in three days! I can’t wait to keep going with Book Two. Very entertaining and authentic!,
My husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed your books. Is a book six possible?
Book Six is not only possible; it is imminent. I am writing the final pages now. Then I shall read it aloud to myself. Next it goes to Jane Murphy, my eagle-eyed proofreader in Wales, so she can spare you my lay/lie confusions. And very shortly after that it will be in your, and your husband’s, hands – probably in March. Thank you for wanting it!
I thank you, Alice for making this journey with me!
Oh, how I lament having finished book 5. I enjoyed every time I found a moment to read. Currently in a snow & ice storm and could savor reading even more. Thank you.
So happy to have kept you cosy company like this, Kathy!
Another Outlander fan who is loving your books. I am telling the story of Ceridwen to my 5 year old grand-daughter!
Delighted to hear you are starting her early on a lifetime of reading, Jane! Thank you so much for telling me this.
A most enjoyable series.I wish there were more books in this series.
Book Six is coming soon, Dianne, early 2017, I promise. Thank you for wanting it!
I was delayed in starting the first book you were kind to offer. Since starting it I have read the first four and am now reading the fifth. As a lover of historical fiction your books are most enjoyable. I will be recommending them highly to members of my book club of Outlander fans.
You place me in good company indeed when you name Diana Gabaldon’s fine books as amongst your favourites. I share many wonderful readers with Outlander, and with the books of Bernard Cornwell, too. Thank you for sharing your discovery of the Saga with your friends. I count on my great readers to help grow the Circle. Book Six is coming, early 2017…
I just finished book 5, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I am one of those readers who came to your series through reading the Outlander series. Thank you for enriching my life through stories full of history and love.
Thank you for your comment, Vanessa! It is our mutual love of history that makes these stories so meaningful to both of us. Delighted to have you along on this adventure…
Octavia, I really enjoyed these books. I could not put them down and just finished book 5. I have good friends that have just started the Circle based on my ravings. I really appreciate your wonderful writing style and all the time you spent researching this era.
Ali, you have my gratitude. Telling your friends about the Saga is deeply meaningful to me, as I depend on my wonderful readers to help grow the Circle, as it were. I thank you! Book Six is coming along nicely, and will have it in your hands in early 2017…
Thanks so very much for The Circle of Ceridwen series. I’ve loved every book!
Julie, thank you so much. More awaits; I’ll have Book Six in your hands in early 2017. Thank you for wanting it!
I am just about to start book five but am reluctant to put down book four. I could read it all over again. I felt I was there with them experiencing their thoughts, feelings and wishes. The way they did things how and why and what was used. Their closeness and love toward one another, what a way to live! Modern world could relearn a thing or two. Please tell me book six is on the horizon.
One goal of my books is to encourage people to slow down and breathe…I think you are doing just that, and pacing yourself to make the feeling last!
Yes, yes yes – there is more to come, do not fear. ? I am making great progress on Book Six and will have it in your hands in early 2017 if all goes well. Thank you for such devotion to my work!
Octavia…I so loved your Circle of Ceridwin series. I devoured the first three ordered as paperbacks but could not wait to read books 4 and 5. So I tried using the Kindle method and read and read into the wee small hours of the night into early morning….Tindr was/is such a wonderful tale, but I could not choose one as better than another. I am so thrilled to learn book 6 is in the making. I absolutely love your work. Being of Swede, Scot, German, Finn &Irish heritage I am totally captivated. I can’t wait for the Cookbook of course. Thank you for your great creative and insightful gifts.
I would say that with your ancestry, Suzanne, the Saga is in your blood! I’ll let you know when Book Six is ready for you…and thank you for wanting it.
Thank you for the free first book, I love how you gave the definitions of names. And the Honey Cake recipe sounds delicious !!!! Thank you !!!
You are so welcome, Maurica…and isn’t the very thought of munching on a Honey Cake while reading delightful?
I am engrossed with this Saga! I find myself throughout the day trying to guess what is Ceridwen’s next move or adventure. Having a one year old and 6 month old doesn’t leave extra time for reading….I have never been so excited for bedtime lol! Also, I really enjoyed the character name pronunciation video on your website?
Many thanks for your kind message; it means a great deal to connect with new readers. Especially very busy young mothers like yourself! You have so little time to yourself, and hearing you are spending it with Ceridwen is truly satisfying for me.
And I’m so happy you enjoyed the “Names” video – it really does help to “fix” the names in your head, so you don’t mentally come to a momentary halt while reading…and making that video was fun for me, so I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I hope you will go on and follow Ceridwen and her circle of friends through the entire Saga – I am writing Book Six now, so I promise there is much to look forward to.
Hello, I found you on Facebook late last night and went to my Nook and purchased a box set of your first three books. I have not started them yet. I enjoyed Google to find more information on you and enjoyed all the nice comments about your books. I can’t wait to start them. I am a fan of Outlander and have read all the novels in Diana’s series. I love historical romances especially the time travel ones.
Thank you for my next read,
CindyLee Jenks
Welcome, Cindylee! I am fortunate to share many thousands of wonderful readers with Diana Gabadlon, and with Bernard Cornwell as well, and am delighted to have you join the adventure. Please keep in touch as you work your way through the Saga. I am writing Book Six now, and hope to get that into your hands this year. Many thanks for writing, and again, welcome.
Just finished all five Circle books. Absolutely loved them! I would love to get your cookery book but I’m not sure where I sign up to Join the Circle.
I am also looking forward to reading the 1st book of the saga as well as the cookery book(let)! Thank you.
I just finished reading Circle of Ceridwen and really enjoyed it! I could hardly put it down! I really like the style in which you write, and love the historical aspects and details of daily life that you included. I’m off to buy book 2 next; can’t wait to continue the story! Thank you for a most enjoyable read!
Thank you ever so much, Charlotte! I strive always to immerse the reader into a whole world of authentic, and historic, atmosphere. Letters like yours make me very happy that I oftentimes succeed.
I have just finished Tindr, it was deeply satisfying to read about Tindr and his story. As much as I love Sidroc and Cerridwen… I am a fiber artist, I needle felt & spin and weave. I just finished making a pair of felted boots trimmed with Gotland locks actually from Gotland. I use to play medieval reenactment in the SCA (indeed my name I choose was Aelfwynn of Ashford). I have a deep and abiding love for the All the peoples and places you have in your books. Thank you for bringing these places to life!
Joyce Hazlerig
Joyce, there is real pleasure in pleasing a discerning reader, such as yourself. Thank you so much for writing and telling me so; I truly do appreciate it. And it’s a lovely touch that you are “Ælfwyn” in your SCA life! I’m honoured by your attention and hope to always be worthy of your praise.
Dear Octavia, I can’t thank you enough for the total enjoyment I have found in your Circle books! I am newly retired and your books have made these days some of my most rewarding days, spent in another era, another country with characters who feel more like close friends or family. On my fixed income, I am unable to travel from my home in Florida so through your books, I am on the most wonderful “vacation” while I sit in my favorite reading places in my home. I was born & raised in Michigan, a cold & northern climate with similarities close to Gottlands. I can feel the reminiscent way of their lives in living and preparing for a long dark winter. Also, my family manufactured woolen coats & blankets from the 1920’s – the 1950’s. I was given a kit with a weaving shuttle an samples of wool in all its stages prior to the weaving process. Again, your books bring back some of my happiest memories., with weaving terms as “the woof & warp”, carding, etc. I adore your descriptions of foods & preparation methods! ( even though I get a screaming appetite as I read them). Once again, thank you for your wonderful book series and for continuing on with Book Six!
Leof Leith
I am so touched at your beautiful letter – thank you so much. I can ask for no more meaningful praise than what you have bestowed upon me here; that I am recalling to your heart and mind happy childhood days, and even more than that, a kind of ancient tribal memory – o ye of Northern Blood! – which brings you quiet pleasure. And you make me smile at your hanger pangs. I think you deserve some Honey Cakes. Now.
Dear Ms. Octavia,
I normally do not post comments regarding books that I have read. However, I have spent the last few weeks devouring the Ceridwen series. I absolutely loved them. I am so happy I just came across them while looking for something new. I accidentally hit “buy now” on book two, so I went in and bought book one. Thinking, what the Heck?! Fell in love and couldn’t put my Kindle down. Thank you for transporting my mind to another time and place! As a mother of 3 getting a break like that is rare and I enjoyed every minute of it!
Juli, there is something special in the way you came to my books – by accidentally buying Ceridwen of Kilton! This gives me a smile, indeed. However ardent readers come to find me, I am grateful and happy. You probably know I am working on Book Six now, so I hope to continue giving busy readers like you a respite from the demands of your full lives. Thanks for joining me, and Ceridwen, on this adventure.
Dear Octavia.
My husband and I have just finished Tinder. We very much enjoyed all five of the Ceridwen series. We are looking forward to book 6.
I am also waiting for the download of your cookbook.
Best wishes, Carol
Thanks ever so much, Carol! It is always a great source of personal pleasure to hear of couples reading the novels together. And your Cookery Book(let) is on its way to you, now. I’m glad you look forward to it. I really an truly do cook form it, the oat griddle cakes, honey cakes, barley browis, and “venison” pie make regular appearances on my table!
I have just completed book 5 of this saga and have been enthralled from start to finish. Thank you Octavia for such a wonderful story, one that I have greedily devoured.
My husband is Danish born and as a child moved to Sweden with his family. Consequently I have lived in both countries for short periods of time.
I have also visited Gotland, and loved the history abound island.
So this story easily resonated with me. I completely feel in love with Sidroc, and his devotion to Ceridwyn, and only wish that I could keep reading this amazing story always.
Loren, I’m so grateful for your support for my work – and thrilled that you personally know Gotland (where I just returned from!) Praise from readers such as you, with direct knowledge of the places I write about, is immensely meaningful to me. I also thank you for understanding Sidroc, and his unbreakable connection to Ceridwen…needn’t say more than that. When you understand it, you understand it. (It’s quite gratifying to me that lots of my male readers understand it, too.) I’m working on Book Six now, and will let you know when it’s released! Until then, please tell your friends about the Saga, Loren. Many thanks again.
Loved your series and look forward to book 6. I’m hoping it will continue to finish out the story started in book 1.
Leof Rebecca (hailing you in Old English)
Your instincts are indeed good ones. Book Six will see a return to Angle-land, as we follow the younger generation as they grow and develop. But it is Ceridwen’s “circle”, and we shall never be too far from her… I thank you for your devotion to my work!
Oh, how I have enjoyed all of your books! You truly bring these characters to life and I don’t want them to vanish! I am thrilled Book Six is in the works and I anxiously await its arrival! I love your style!!!
Brenda, I thank you so much. I feel extremely fortunate to have such readers as you. I’ll let you know when Six is coming.
Dear Ms. Randolph, I just got finished reading Tindr. And I have ended many a book with a happy smile of satisfaction, but this book, oh, just gave my heart that special feeling- smile too. I loved the ending; the sneaky way you tell us that Deer had been sleeping in late and how Tindr meets up with the white hind again. Love it! But then you say this is the end of Tindr’s tale. Surely not! Hopefully, he and his family will find a place with Ceridwen and Sidroc again.
I am a fan of your writing style and look forward to your next release. Thank you so much for bringing many hours of entertainment to me and others.
Suzanne, many warm thanks! Tindr was a true joy for me to write, and I am gratified that you enjoyed it so. Book Six is already in the works; I have been sketching it out in my head, and am eager to truly begin it. I will keep you posted. Until then, I feel fortunate to have a devoted reader like you!
Dear Octavia,
Your knowledge and fire for the time period, storyline and dedication to the material has lit that same fire in so many. Me, for sure! Just finished book 4 in perfect timing for book 5’s exciting release. Please have a six in the wings, I don’t want it all to end… I miss the characters when I don’t have my kindle around.
Faithfully jonesing for six as I start 5, immense gratitude for sharing your knowledge and love of the time, place and human endurance. You are an excellent writer never tripping up the story with broken skills.
Thanks again,
Ah Mary Joe, you make me smile! I am so happy about your timing – just having finished Hall of Tyr, and that very week Tindr is released – and promise Book Six is in the works. I still have more work on the launch of Tindr to do, but later on this year I’ll be returning to my beloved Gotland, where I hope to get much writing done as well as make more videos, and undertake more research. Thank you for your very kind words. It is a great pleasure to write for a reader as discerning as you.
Thank for your beautifully written The Circle of Ceridwen Saga! I have truly enjoyed how you brought to life — settings (time period and exotic places), your well developed characters, adventures and chivalry! Books like yours are like friends you can visit again and again!
Diana, what very kind words. I am so grateful that you have given these novels your time and attention, and felt rewarded in return. I’m happy to tell you that Book Five will be released very shortly…you are part of the Circle – the mailing list – so you shall be the first to know. Many thanks for your faithfulness to my work. Octavia
You are welcome. I am looking forward to reading the fifth book in this marvelous saga. Would it be possible to print your cookbook? I am not able to download the cookbook. Thank you. Blessings to you!
Just finished the first book in The Ceredwin Saga. I’m 71 but have never experienced a page turner as I always go to bed at 10pm ,no matter what. Well, you can imagine my surprise to find my evening reading time extending well beyond 12pm.. The writing style is smooth as satin and touches on all the senses. It is -23 F here in northern Vermont but the joy of the reading keeps one warm. Thank you Octavia.
Please may I join the circle and receive your cookery booklet – for printing?
Yes, Jenny – of course! When you sign up you’ll receive complete (& easy) instructions on how to print it out as a paper booklet. And you may also use the Cookery Book(let) on your iPad or phone, as well. Hope you enjoy cooking from it!
I spent the whole summer reading all four Cerridwen books. The last I just finished on vacation, where I sat by the ocean and read each day! Thank you, Octavia, for a very interesting and intriguing series! I look foreword to book 5!
I’m delighted, Sare, that Ceridwen & company got to join you on your Summer holidays (you know they’ve been though quite a bit and needed a break…). Thank you for making them such an important part of your year. I’ll let you know when Book Five is ready! wes thu hal (be whole and hearty) Octavia
Absolutely wonderful series!
Thank you so much, Kathi! I hope you got your Cookery Book(let) and can stir yourself up some browis while you wait for Book Five…
Many kind thanks,