Pyewacket the Bengal
A celebration of Pyewacket (born December 23, 2007), resident leopard. Pyewacket is a Bengal Cat for whom Pyewacket Press is named, and a delightful handful. She truly is my “mews” as a perspicacious reader called her. When she is not sitting by my side in the studio as I write, she can be found racing up and down stairs, fetching thrown objects like coiled pipe cleaners, and bouncing off walls with tremendous energy. She adjusted effortlessly to her new home here on Gotland, and greatly enjoys having her own walled garden and trees to climb. Like all Bengals she is highly intelligent, and happily for me, very affectionate. Pyewacket was bred by Karen Shaw of Askari Bengals.

Pyewacket on her desk chair in my studio.

Pyewacket enjoying a stroll along the roof deck railing in my old Massachusetts house.

Just a few days old here, with her beautiful mother Seismic. Whole lotta spots going on, but I do think Pye is in the middle, her tiny face turned to the left. Pyewacket’s breeder was Karen Shaw of Askari Bengals, a highly reputable and responsible Bengal breeder.

Pyewacket’s life is just beginning! She was born December 23, 2007. Here she is at 26 days.

Innocent little face! Little did I imagine the intelligence and boundless energy behind that placid expression.

Pyewacket on the first full day home. She is 12 weeks old.

Pyewacket at 5 months. Spotted tummy! She even has a leopard spot inside her mouth, on her upper palate, which shows when she looks up at you and yawns. You’ll see that spot in a few photos.

Oh noooo! That was the original manuscript of Book One before Pyewacket got her claws into it…! (Just kidding.)

Pyewacket’s skin is spotted, and she even has a leopard spot in her mouth! It’s the one spot she’s never seen…

Happy girl, rolling in the sun, showing off her spotted tummy.

PS Did you know the model for “Browny” in Book One was my late beloved tortoiseshell cat, Echo? She was!
Love the pics of your Bengal. My best friend has two Bengals, one is a blue Bengal. They are the sweetest, but as you say, they are busy. She has to Velcro cupboards and the ice machine otherwise the kitchen would be a disaster.
Thank you for the saga. I truly love all the characters. I’m behind a bit more than other readers as I write my own saga. Thank you again, you are an inspiration to me.
Hi Octavia
Not only do I live on an Octavia Road, but I also have a Bengal. Her name is Seren and, like your Pyewacket, she keeps me on my toes. The whole household jumps to attention when she howls. However, she is not (yet) a publisher! Thanks for the pictures of your beautiful Pyewacket. I must inspect Seren’s mouth for spots!
I’m a total cat lover (have 4 indoors, 1 outdoor at the moment). Pyewacket is gorgeous, thanks for treating us to such great shots of her Octavia 🙂
Awesome photo’s Octavia. She is a real beauty
She is gorgeous. Our almost 16 year old Burmese “ Jovelles Tintookie” is crazy took. Evenat his great age he still chases papers and socks ( his favourite) or shadows around the house at high speed. Don calls it playing with his imaginary friends!”
What a beautiful cat! I was wondering about the name of the cat. I do remember that name from “Bell, Book and Candle” , the movie starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak. Great name for a cat. I am waiting patiently for the next book in the series.
Thanks for the background of the name “”Pyewacket” very interesting! And your Bengal is just beautiful,my son had one named Max who was a cat with personality+ but unfortunately is no longer with them .
So precious, what a BEAUTY! I am so excited for book 7 of the Circle of Ceridwen series. I probably should have paced myself but once i started reading this series, i just could not put it down. Thank you for writing such a Wonderful, historical series!?….one of these days I am going to have to take a trip to Gotland, such a rich history!
Thank you Octavia. I absolutely loved hearing about and seeing photos of your gorgeous girl Pyewacket. I share a home with two beautiful seal point Siamese called Samson and Delilah. Like everyone else I love your saga books and patiently await the next one.
I just love Pye. She’s beautiful, like her human Mom, and a joy to follow. I’m so glad she is finally home with you in Gotland!
Hi Octavia~
Beautiful kitty!! I’m actually a dog person…yet, always seem to have cats as well. My last 2 were/are(one died suddenly/unexpectedly at Xmas…breaking my dogs heart) a babysitting(kittysitting) job, which their owner decided to make permanent, dumping them on me. Grrrr. No way could I return them to a shelter, so they became ‘mine’…or rather, I became theirs. In a place where only one pet is allowed, I’m fortunate my managers love me, and accepted my threesome(now twosome), and let me slide. Dog person or not, these felines always find me, and adopt me. I guess I must have good kitty vibes….that, or they’re just dog lovers too. Never a problem with the two species, through multiple match-ups. Loved the photos. Still anxiously awaiting the next Circle book. I’ve read them all twice now. Love them!!!
If I could own a cat, this would be my comfort cat (I have PTS) but my allegies prevent it. You are a blessed woman, gifted writer and a very special cat ( she gets to see all of your works as she paws through them). I hope you get to enjoy her for a very long time.
Hello Octavia, love your description of your fur baby. I love cats too, and often. Dream of kitty pads ( I think I’m supposed to have another one) we will not get another animal until we are not traveling and staying put Too difficult, not fair to them or us. This is the first time in my life I ve not had a cat or dogs. W lost our calico for six weeks one time from motor home, while in yuma Az. Found her after 6 weeks after giving up hope. Too gut wrenching. And then that spring she passed, we think she picked up something. Our dogs aged, we had a male and a female cocker spaniel, And eventually we became with out, and so they are never forgotten, and life goes on. Thank you for the posts, always look forward to reading your stories.
How wonderful! A combination of unique beauty, grace, energy, playfulness, intuition, inspiration. Spot on for your special “mews” and you.
I loved reading about your interesting cat Pyewacket Octavia. I am a dog lover but I have had some very interesting cats in my lifetime. As a child my cousin and I thought our cat Tiger, felt pain from his whiskers as he came through a hole in the fence. We cut them off to my mothers great dismay!
Hi Octavia. So nice to read about your beautiful Bengal Pyewacket. I have never heard this name before but am familiar with the Bengal breed. Thank you for sharing her with us. I am a cat lover myself and am owned by a pure white long-haired pouffeballl who is an attention seeking distraction whenever I sit at the table to work on my computer, tablet or phone. When I have a jigsaw puzzle laid out Fluffy will inevitably plop herself down on the part I am working on and look very smug about it at the same time and then act innocent and puts her paw gently on my arm for attention. Cats! We love our animals.
What a sweetie!!
I must admit not a lover of cats here at all as am super super allergic to them all but your kitty is very nice and glad you have a “mews” friend and is pretty kitty.Busy too buy the looks .You have a lovely home there .so happy for you you still like Gotland.
She is totally gorgeous. Thank you for her background information
She is such a beautiful creature and know that she is well loved. BELL BOOK AND CANDLE was my late hubands favourite movie and he loved the cats name. I am glad you have someone so special to share and give you inspiration. I love cats and dogs but cannot own onevas my little grandaughter is very allergic to them all the best for your next book and I am sure the inspirations keep coming. Regards Barbara.??
So happy to see Pyewacket in her element enjoying herself!
My own “mews” pack is my tabby cat Chaucer, (his stripes break in spots in a less grand fashion, and he sports a spotted tummy which we call his “belly trap”.) We have a grand dame old kitty named Kaylee, who has her own song and Facebook page, she’s my husband pride and joy. And our youngest at 8 is Cinder, le chat ninja, roof Walker, dark as night, seldom seen, bane of mice!
(Seriously, a roommate lived with us for 6 months before he knew we had a third cat)
Texas Greetings across the seas!
Beautiful cat. The intelligence radiates off her, however it’s her eyes that tell the story. Cats are what keep us “real”. I just got back from a short trip and my baby, Princess, is all over me. She knows that I had a stressful few days and is offering her unwavering support. Thank you for sharing Octavia, you rock!
How lovely is that. I am a definite cataholic. ( Not Catholic) I always have to have cats in my books. I am just writing a children’s book called. ‘The Nine Lives of Tigger Digger’ which is a true story about the lovely cat we adopted after he was dumped on the moors to fend for himself in the wild.
My historical novel “WHERE ROWANS INTERTWINE’ is a mystical novel about the life challenges posed to a novice Druid priestess, Ceridwen, living in the time of the Roman occupation. It is full of all the beautiful animals I love.
The back story of Pyewacket has been on my mind for a while. Glad I stumbled upon this. Beautiful and amazing animal.
All I can say is…WOW!!
Educational – didn’t know about this breed of house cat.
I was researching Taro of Bundas as he is our Jax’s 7th generation Grandfather. I was thrilled to find another of Taro’s offspring. Your Pyewacket is is a gorgeous girl. Our Jax loves to walk those ledges at the beach we camp at. Would love to share a pic but I cannot get one onto this comment space. Jax & his F4 Savannah brother have their very own Instagram site at “jaxandchibs”, please feel free to look/follow. Thank you for sharing Pyewacket.
Kimberly, this is so exciting! I have never heard from any of Pye’s “cousins”, and am thrilled to learn about Jax (very good name!) Send me a photo when you can at; with your permission I will place it on Pyewacket’s page so her many fans can see her cousin!
Currently enjoying The Claiming very much! I just read on your site about Pyewacket. Lovely cat. Was curious about her name.
Thank you Susan, for your kind words about The Claiming. Book Five, called Tindr will be out later this month, so I hope you continue on in your reading of the Saga. As far as the lovely and mischievous house leopard, Pyewacket, I chose the name because I read that it was the oldest attested feline name in the English language, going back to the recorded confession of an accused witch (poor woman; they made her “confess” by depriving her of sleep) in England in the 16th c, in which she recited the names of her familiars, ending with: “and then there’s Pyewacket, who comes as a cat.” Of course cats had names before that; it’s just that we don’t know what they were, many were just called Cat or “Puss”. We know the name in Gaelic of a much earlier cat, the famous white Pangur Ban, who was a scribal monk’s companion in the 9th century. “Pyewacket” became known in modern times through the charming film of 1958, “Bell, Book, and Candle”, starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak, in which Ms Novak plays a Manhattan witch – a most elegant one – and her Siamese cat familiar is called Pyewacket. I chose “Pyewacket” for my Bengal as it seemed to embody the spirit and energy of this small rascal I share my life with!