Original illustrations by artist Marta Roselló of Seville, Spain
After reading The Circle of Ceridwen Marta was inspired to create beautiful drawings of three of the main characters, which she generously sent me.

Ceridwen illustration by artist Marta Roselló
I was struck by how closely she was able to capture the nature and personalities of my characters; seeing them brought to life visually by her talented hands was deeply affecting for me. I am honoured and delighted to share her creativity with you. More of Marta’s drawings will be added to the books as she completes them.
Marta describes herself thusly: “Marta is a chemistry student who likes to be an illustrator in her free time. Reading takes up most of her time, and is an inspiration for all her drawings. Pencils and watercolours are her favourite media. She likes spring days, chocolate, electric guitars, travelling and singing in the shower.” You can find more of Marta’s beautiful art work here, including her work for The Circle of Ceridwen and a number of excellent drawings illustrating J.R.R Tolkien’s Silmarillion.
Marta Roselló asserts the moral right to have her name appear with her drawings