An uncontrolled passion. A heart-breaking decision. A battle that seals the Fate of all.
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Ceridwen of Kilton

Book Two of The Circle of Ceridwen Saga
Ninth-century Saxon England crumbles under the onslaught of a relentless foe – the Danish Vikings. Ceridwen, a young woman with divided loyalties, watches as the peace and plenty she enjoys at the Saxon stronghold of Kilton gives way to wary watchfulness. Her dearest friend, Ælfwyn, sold in marriage to a Dane in a desperate bid for peace, travels to Kilton and recounts the events that befell the fortress of Four Stones in captured Lindisse. But Ceridwen is also confronted by Sidroc, the Dane she ran from, and cannot forget. Ceridwen’s life revolves around her beloved husband Gyric, rendered now unfit for battle and seemingly, for happiness. At the heart of Kilton is Gyric’s brother Godwin, the young lord who struggles both against the Danish invaders and an unthinkable desire. Growing tensions between the brothers mirror the escalating threat to the Saxons from the Danes. The Fate of all at Kilton hangs in the balance at a single terrifying battle…
Meticulously researched and thrillingly brought to life
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List of Characters
Ceridwen, of the Kingdom of Mercia, aged sixteen when the book opens
Gyric, son of Godwulf of Kilton in the Kingdom of Wessex, her husband
Godwin, Gyric’s older brother
Edgyth, wife to Godwin
Modwynn, Lady of Kilton, mother to Gyric and Godwin
Godwulf, Lord of Kilton, an ealdorman of Wessex, husband to Modwynn
Ælfred, King of Wessex
Ælfwyn, a lady of Wessex residing in Lindisse, now controlled by the Danes
Yrling, a Dane, killed by Godwin; once husband to Ælfwyn
Sidroc, a Dane, nephew to Yrling
Cadmar, once a warrior of Wessex, now a monk
Praise for Ceridwen of Kilton
Sexual intrigue that left me gasping…Ceridwen’s world springs vividly to life – her heathen beliefs and the mid-summer bonfire fascinated me…I had to shut my eyes during the attack of the great hall…Powerfully moving and absorbing….
Kitty KennedyI read all 3 books and they kept my attention focused for days. The characters of Ceridwen and Sidroc were human, believable, yet engrossing….Thanks so much for many fascinating hours.
Dianne Stark
Just finished books 1& 2, itching to start book 3, fabulous read with wonderful characters and descriptive writing. Highly recommend
Totally enjoyed Cerwiden journey in
Circle of Cerwiden
Buying the next book now!!!
Engrossing saga……
Of these midevil times.
Nothing gets done in my home when my nose is in your books Octavia??
When reading these tales I feel I’m there alongside Cerwiden along the trails & strongholds of these days of ‘ol.
Thank u for the escape of every day life .
Love your writing ,research & emotions you put into each page
Just finished the first book. Looking forward to starting the next one!
Ohh just finished book one! So amazing ! Thank you so much Octavia, such a great read and gorgeous story, I was taken in completely, my only annoyance now is I must wait until next pay day to buy book 2! I am so looking forward to reading them all. Thank you for all your amazing time , research and passion that you have put into this story.
Great books – after reading the first two I’m already dreading finishing the series. I like the way they have been written and how I am transported to the time, submerged in your story telling.
Loved the first book. Felt immersed in the 9th Century and am slightly disoriented to find myself back in the 21st. Cant wait to read the next five books. Have not enjoyed a series as much since reading Dorothy Dunnet’s masterful Niccolo series. Thank you
I have just finished the first book and I cannot wait to begin the next one. The details that you put into your writing made the characters and their circumstances come alive for me! The love Ceridwen who is both humble and shy, yet outspoken and brave. Her strength makes her an unforgettable character. Thank you so much!
Just finished the second book and feel frustrated because it was too short.
Once again the glimpse of medieval women’s life’s was riveting. Cerridwen continues to be a complex character who often surprises me.
Now I’m off to purchase book 3.
Love your writing. The characters grabbed me instantly. Cerridwen the goddess of Inspiration. I loved finding her as the main character. It was easy to see each character, their culture and history. You made me want more of your wonderful story telling. Thank you so much for this free read and inspiration.
This book was delightful. Ceridwen is so humble and giving. She makes you want to be a better person. I love the twists and turns and especially the wonderful historical context. This book far surpasses Game of Thrones. I can’t wait to read book 2, and 3, and 4, and…
Pat, your specific words touch me, and deeply: “She makes you want to be a better person.” Years ago in my little bio for publishers, I wrote that “I write about people who are far better than and (I hope) far worse, than me.” That quote still stands, and the feeling still stands. Ceridwen does make one terrific mistake in her life, but other than that she is the woman I would love to be. Thank you for seeing that, and identifying with her, yourself.
Just finished the first book, ceredwen is a wonderful character who does so much and is humble. Absolutely loved the book.. I love historical fiction but the time period is one about which little has been written. Fascinating and riveting. Thank you for writing it.
Many thanks Christine…and I like very much what you say about Ceridwen. I hope you’ll continue to journey with her through the Saga.
Every once in a while I come to one of “my kind of book” and so enjoyed the reading that it was with reluctance that I must put it down to attend to one thing or another, and that feeling when I finish a book, almost of disappointment and anticipation of the continuation of the story. Surely I’m not the only person who carried thought of Ceridwin and Sidroc with them until they could again return to the book! Thank you Octavia ?
Faye, I am very happy the novel gave you that feeling of absorption in their lives…that is always my promise to you, that you “Enter the ninth century”, and I am glad you did! I hope you have continued along with Ceridwen through to Book Five, Tindr…and that you also know I am currently writing Book Six.
Just finished the first bookThe first ebook I have ever read and enjoyed it way too much!
Leof Marjorie (hailing you in Old English) Is is possible to enjoy any book “way too much”? If so, I am glad it was mine!
I have been riveted to this book one from the moment I opened the very first page. When I have allowed my eyes to rise from the pages I am astonished to find a different world surrounding me than the one I have been engrossed in and part of.
Jen, thank you for your warm response! My promise (and hope) is “Enter the Ninth Century”, and if I allow you to do so for a few hours, I am richly rewarded!
Just finished book one and enjoyed it immensely! What wonderful characters and how completely engrossing are the events in this saga. I am looking forward to reading more. Thank you for your wonderful talent. I am so happy to have discovered you.
To me reading historical fiction is all about learning some of the sociological history of the place and time, the lifestyles of the people. This book does that for me. The attitudes and mores of the characters are so well presented; you will truly care about them. This pulls me to read book Two, Ceridwen of Kilton, my next download.
Thank you Octavia for fleshing out the characters so completely with the background including foods they eat, clothes they wear, weapons used, cures implemented.
Lea, Many warm thanks. I do make the promise to the reader: Enter the Ninth Century. And part of creating that atmosphere is providing enough information so you truly can glimpse what life was like. Hearing that you recognize and appreciate that is very satisfying for me, and I thank you for telling me so!
I’ve just finished the 1st book in the Ceridwen Saga & found it a wonderful, page turning read. I highly recommend it to others as you are truly drawn int Ceridwen’s world & the conflicts that surround her both emotionally & in her daily life. I can’t wait to read the next book.
Lovely Sheila – so kind to have written and told me! And very touched that you are telling your friends – this is what is most needed; reviews and personal recommendations are still the best way for potential readers to find great new books. i thank you.
Wonderfully written and so descriprive, the story just came alive in such a way that made it impossible to put the book down. Thank you, Octavia.for such an entertaining read.
Mary, thank you so much! I hope you have continued on in the Saga. Fellow adventurers like you are always cherished.
Octavia, I have just read all five books on the Saga of Ceridwen and they are the best books I have read in a long time. I love all the characters. It is so well written that you couldn’t put them down. I would recommend this saga to anyone who loves historical romance. Thank you for the wonderful story. Are you going to write more about the young sons of Ceridwen and Sidric? Thank you Mary
Mary, I am happy to tell you that I began work on book Six when I was on Fårö (little island north of Gotland) this Spring. I am working away on it, and hope to have it in your hands this year. And yes – in it we look closely at the younger generation… Thank you for wanting it!
I have just started the first book and I cannot put the book down. Love the characters and the whole story. Can’t wait to finish book and get onto the second book. I recommend this book to anyone who loves Historical Fiction. It is very well written and keeps you interested and coming back for more.
Thank you so much Octivia for the first free book and introducing me to these wonderful characters.
You are so welcome, Dawn! Many thanks for letting me know that you are enjoying Book One – the beginning of the adventure. You may know that I am now at work on Book Six, so I hope there is much for you to look forward to!
I loved the story and the history. I also loved the way the word was spoken. I often found myself in tears of both joy and sadness. I was truly moved and felt a kinship with the heroin and this only happens in a story that is well told. Thank you for our time together.